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Empowerment (Confidence)

Since experiencing therapy with Renata, I have discovered a profound sense of balance, contentment, and peace. The safe, healing environment that she provided, and her ability to connect with me, absolutely renewed my hope and zest for life.

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Performance & Health (Stress)

Back in May, I was under a tremendous amount of stress.  My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer and my job was really taking a toll on me.  My physical symptoms were an elevated blood pressure, heart palpitations, and constant headaches that lasted for about 3 months.  I decided to work with Jim for 6 sessions to reduce my stress and hopefully fix my physical manifestations of that stress.

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Health (Arthritis/ Gout)

I was at a stage in my life where my health seemed to be deteriorating due to stress and other medical issues. My stress level was always high, and chronic pain from arthritis caused me to have difficulty walking.   

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Performance (Organization of Time & Surroundings)

When I first started sessions with Jim, I was looking for an extra edge.  I felt like success was something that was coming to me, but was needing to get more organized, and funnel my hard work and dedication into optimal performance.  

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Health & Empowerment (Insomnia)

My Insomnia is gone!  My habit of broken sleep started after the birth of my first child and the many nights of wakefulness that accompany a newborns birth.  After my sessions with Renata, I now have rejuvenating, restful sleep just like before I became a mother of two.  I originally sought treatment with Renata for help in coaching my children to have a more positive and confident mental outlook.  She has taught me skills in this area as well that have proven successful.  It amazes me what she has been able to accomplish.  It has been a blessing to have met her and worked with her.  She is a true healer.

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Empowerment (Fears/ Phobias)

I have been struggling with anxiety for the past 11 years. Anxiety can have a very limiting effect on a person’s life. One minute your heart is pounding so fast that it feels like a heart attack and the next minute being on an open road feels like the scariest place on earth. I have experienced it all.

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Health (Support through Chemotherapy/ Stress reduction)

In the Fall of 2009,  I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.  Upon hearing the news, a flood of emotions overcame me putting me into a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual shock.  I felt outside of my body, disconnected from the reality of the situation, and struggling to understand the events that would take place within the next few days.  While in this “spin”, I decided to try to do hypnotherapy sessions with Alpha Mind Coaching, which I at first was hesitant to try.  After the first session, I felt as if some order had been restored to my life.  The following daily sessions leading up to my surgery brought my anxiety level down to the point where I felt peace and calm going into the operation.

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Performance (Athletic, Academic)

I began doing sessions with Coach Jim in August, 2009.  I had struggled in school and, even though I was doing well in mixed martial arts, I wanted to improve my confidence and my aggressiveness when I was competing.  I've done a few sessions in person, but most of them have been over the phone.   The sessions are calming and positive and my family and I have been really happy with the results.  

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Empowerment/ Health (Smoking, Relationships, Organization)

I first thought of hypnotherapy as a hoax.  I would see it on television and saw it as a form of entertainment, until I saw the changes it made for a friend who had gone to Alpha Mind Coaching.  I decided to try a few sessions in the hopes that it would help me reduce my stress level in my life but in the end it help me fix a lot more.  

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Health (Stress, Allergies)

My first issue I came to you with was stress.  I have always been given to strive for perfection in all things I do whether it be professional or personal.  This meant a lot of stress in my life as I tried to fix all things broken.  You have given me the ability to control my stress to the degree that I no longer have stress in my life.  This took about 2 weeks.  Before we began our sessions, my stress level was way over a 10 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst.  Now I just get busy but not stressed. This is so wonderful.

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Performance, Health, Empowerment (Stress, Confidence)

After doing a few sessions, I saw a big change.  My stress seemed to dissolve away, I became much more focused and my thinking became much clearer.  My confidence also improved and is now higher than it has ever been.  All this has translated into more fluid performance.

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Health (Natural Weight Loss)

Mi nombre es Alejandra Villanueva Mora, y vivo en  México. Yo decidí tomar las sesiones de hipnosis porque me sentía muy insegura y con miedo para ser encargada de una empresa. De igual manera me sentía como madre; ya que soy madre soltera de tres hijas. Al sentir esa inseguridad y ese miedo, me sentí a incompetente para tal cargo, el cual me daría la oportunidad de mantener a mis hijas y tener una vida más solvente.

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Health (Smoking)

Thank you for helping me quit smoking. I couldn't even think of quitting until I learned from you that smoking was just in the mind and could be erased from my daily routine.

With the help of my sessions and the behavioral instructions you had me do on my own, I was finally able to overcome my tobacco addiction, and I now live a healthier life.

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Health & Empowerment (Fears/Phobias, Stress, Anxiety)

For  a long time, I had wanted to get rid of my fears, which had tormented my mind and life, and a have peaceful life.  My childhood experiences had become fears that affected my relationship with my family and partner, creating moments of anxiety and uncertainty. That anxiety also affected my sleep. There were nights that I couldn’t sleep all night long. My greatest fear was having my partner abandon me and not having a united family.

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Health (Natural Weight Loss)

I have been working with Jim for about 3 months now.  The strategies he employs have allowed me to see a marked decrease in the craving of a variety of foods that I wanted to eliminate from my diet.  

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Health & Empowerment (Stress & Anxiety)

I decided to seek an alternative method to deal with my stress level, anxiety and quality of sleep.  I went to my first session open minded and ready to tackle any barriers I had internally that were causing my stress.  Renata made me feel very welcomed, comfortable and explained what we would be doing.  During the session, I felt a huge release of negative energy and became utterly relaxed.  That night I got ready for bed and as I lay down, I remember falling into a deep sleep.  

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Health (Pre-surgery sessions)

Eight years before working with Renata and Jim, I had undergone hernia surgery, which was, overall, a very traumatic experience for me. I spent the first 17 days living on Vicodin and pain killers, and going through anxiety and depression.  It took 32 days before being able to return to my active lifestyle of running and working out.

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Performance, Health, Empowerment (Transformation)

We hired Jim Peterson to do 7 sessions with our 18 year old son who we had just caught making choices that could have sent him to prison. Over the span of one year, his attitude towards us, school, obeying the law and life in general had deteriorated to a point that he needed serious intervention so we turned to Jim and Renata who had come highly recommended because of the powerful program that they use and because of their expertise when it comes to teenagers.

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Performance & Empowerment (Transformation)

I came to Alpha Mind Coaching at an all-time low.  I had recently lost a mixed martial arts fight and felt as if I let everyone down.  It affected my whole life including my relationships and work.  Thanks to the sessions and the tools that were provided, I was able to create a balance in my life that was missing.

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Performance, Health, Empowerment (Transformation)

It is hard to put into words how my sessions with Jim and Renata changed my life. They helped bring out traits in myself to help me reach my goals and to achieve a certain lifestyle that I never thought was possible.

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Performance & Empowerment (Fears/Phobia)

Swimming, especially, swimming in the deep-end of the pool has been a huge fear for me. This fear prevented me from attempting swimming lessons and going into any bodies of water. My fear also prohibited me from enjoying the water with my family, especially my children. My fear was so debilitating I didn't think I would ever learn how to swim. Subsequently, I'd worry about my kids drowning and my inability to jump in and save them. This secondary concern has consumed me for years, yet I've been unable to initiate swim lessons because of my phobia of the deep end.

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Health (Stress, Anxiety, Natural Weight Loss)

The sessions have helped me calm my anxiety and my stress.  I now eat better and I take my time when I eat and I no longer eat in excess and I feel satisfied after eating.  The sessions have also helped me focus on my goals and no longer on my fears.  I have more mental and physical energy.  

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Performance (Exam)

Before taking my PSIA Alpine Level 3 exam, I did sessions with Jim that truly enhanced my performance. During the test, I skied at the highest of my ability and passed with flying colors to become the youngest fully certified professional ski instructor in the Western Division.

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Health & Empowerment (Ease symptoms of Chemotherapy, Stress)

During a recent doctor's office visit, my usually normal blood pressure was abnormally high. The nurse was very concerned, and I asked her to give me few minutes and take it again. I realized that my stress level was very high due the chemotherapy that I was scheduled for right after that. I closed my eyes and using the techniques you taught me I could feel my body going into an immediate state of calm. The nurse took the blood pressure reading again 10 minutes later and it was down and amazing 34 points!

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