Call us today to schedule a free consultation: (916) 812-0126

Whether you are an athlete, writer, speaker, student, business person, or just someone seeking to achieve a specific life or career goal, we can help you perform at the top of your field or game. We’ll teach you the techniques you need to remove roadblocks and attain success in any personal or professional area.

We utilize remarkable techniques which help YOU overcome the blocks and obstacles which have been keeping you STUCK in a rut that seems  impossible to overcome.  The results are amazing, but don’t just take it from us, here are what our clients are saying:

Performance & Health (Stress)

Back in May, I was under a tremendous amount of stress.  My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer and my job was really taking a toll on me.  My physical symptoms were an elevated blood pressure, heart palpitations, and constant headaches that lasted for about 3 months.  I decided to work with Jim for 6 sessions to reduce my stress and hopefully fix my physical manifestations of that stress.

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Performance & Health (Stress)

I met Jim and Renata Peterson when our team started team building sessions at their house. I found the meetings very beneficial to my everyday life.  I started to think a little deeper and analyze things a bit more right off the bat through my training and mental state.  

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Performance (Organization of Time & Surroundings)

When I first started sessions with Jim, I was looking for an extra edge.  I felt like success was something that was coming to me, but was needing to get more organized, and funnel my hard work and dedication into optimal performance.  

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Performance (Athletic, Academic)

I began doing sessions with Coach Jim in August, 2009.  I had struggled in school and, even though I was doing well in mixed martial arts, I wanted to improve my confidence and my aggressiveness when I was competing.  I've done a few sessions in person, but most of them have been over the phone.   The sessions are calming and positive and my family and I have been really happy with the results.  

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Performance, Health, Empowerment (Stress, Confidence)

After doing a few sessions, I saw a big change.  My stress seemed to dissolve away, I became much more focused and my thinking became much clearer.  My confidence also improved and is now higher than it has ever been.  All this has translated into more fluid performance.

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Performance, Health, Empowerment (Transformation)

We hired Jim Peterson to do 7 sessions with our 18 year old son who we had just caught making choices that could have sent him to prison. Over the span of one year, his attitude towards us, school, obeying the law and life in general had deteriorated to a point that he needed serious intervention so we turned to Jim and Renata who had come highly recommended because of the powerful program that they use and because of their expertise when it comes to teenagers.

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Performance & Empowerment (Transformation)

I came to Alpha Mind Coaching at an all-time low.  I had recently lost a mixed martial arts fight and felt as if I let everyone down.  It affected my whole life including my relationships and work.  Thanks to the sessions and the tools that were provided, I was able to create a balance in my life that was missing.

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Performance, Health, Empowerment (Transformation)

It is hard to put into words how my sessions with Jim and Renata changed my life. They helped bring out traits in myself to help me reach my goals and to achieve a certain lifestyle that I never thought was possible.

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Performance & Empowerment (Fears/Phobia)

Swimming, especially, swimming in the deep-end of the pool has been a huge fear for me. This fear prevented me from attempting swimming lessons and going into any bodies of water. My fear also prohibited me from enjoying the water with my family, especially my children. My fear was so debilitating I didn't think I would ever learn how to swim. Subsequently, I'd worry about my kids drowning and my inability to jump in and save them. This secondary concern has consumed me for years, yet I've been unable to initiate swim lessons because of my phobia of the deep end.

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Performance (Exam)

Before taking my PSIA Alpine Level 3 exam, I did sessions with Jim that truly enhanced my performance. During the test, I skied at the highest of my ability and passed with flying colors to become the youngest fully certified professional ski instructor in the Western Division.

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